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Madagascar October 2011 October is a good time of year to visit Madagascar. The water is warm enough to swim. The days are pleasant in the morning and can be quite hot in the afternoon and cool to chilly at night. Little rain. We spent a lot of time walking in the forests - both day and night. The animals visited us also where we stayed. The lemurs are the most playful, curious and affectionate animals that you can imagine. We stayed a few days on the island Isles aux Nattes at a beach hotel La Petite Traversee. This place was a lot of fun. There was a little bamboo lemur in residence who was full of energy. He crawled all over you and shared your food and provided 50% of the entertainment. Karin’s brithday was celebrated with cake and Janu the lemur shared Karin’s piece. We went out to look at the night sky. We were all staring up at different parts of the sky when we saw something moving in the south toward us. We wondered if it was a satellite. But it was too big and it was too fast. It swept over our heads and continued north. Then it broke up. No one had seen anything like it. We had all seen little meteors, but nothing like this.